After a great time in England, the CHV Tour made its way to Germany. Dan’s time in Germany included stops in Düsseldorf, Cologne, and Hamburg.
The limited amount of time in Düsseldorf could not stop the CHV Tour from hosting a grand event. Dan joined fans at Sansibar by Breuninger for a night full of fun and, of course, Crystal Head cocktails! Dan started the evening by signing Crystal Head bottles and talking with fans about upcoming projects and the story behind the creation of Crystal Head Vodka.
Image: Jörg Times
As we all know, Dan wouldn’t leave his fans without a show. Blue Onions, the German Blues Brothers cover band, accompanied Dan on stage for a brilliant performance that had the whole crowd up and dancing.
Image: www.blueonions.de
The next stop for the Crystal Head tour was Cologne for a bottle signing at Galeria Kaufhof. The event brought in a huge crowd of over 300 people! Fans came dressed in Ghostbusters gear – all ready for a day of action!
Image: Thomas W. Nelson
Last, but definitely not least, the Germany portion of the CHV Tour finished off in Hamburg. The bottle signing at Alsterhaus Hamburg had fans lined up all around the shop! But the long line didn’t stop people from enjoying themselves and interacting with fellow guests. Dan spent time talking with fans and signing Crystal Head bottles for nearly 3 hours.
Image: www.crystalhead.de
Throughout the day, Dan had time to answer questions from not only fans, but interviewers as well. Among the interviewers were the Ments Männer from Radio Hamburg, who brought a shirt and harmonica as a honourary gift for Dan.
Never one to turn down an opportunity to play, Dan played a few chords on the gifted harmonica.
Image: Radio Hamburg
Germany was a great time filled with signings, interviews, performances, and delicious Crystal Head cocktails. Thanks to everyone who came out and made these events extraordinary!
The Crystal Head Vodka Team