Crystal Head joined The Great Frog LA for their momentous celebration by supplying drinks for the exciting evening.
Crowds gathered last Friday to celebrate The Great Frog LA’s first birthday. The family-run business originated in London, England with a unique niche clientele of rockers, bikers, and those with a little edge. Opening in the 70’s, The Great Frog has personalized jewelry for classic rocker clients including The Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, Johnny Depp, and more!
Crystal Head joined The Great Frog LA for their momentous celebration by supplying drinks for the exciting evening. Signature CHV cocktails were offered with a California twist.
The night’s celebrations brought cupcakes, tattoos, cocktails, and the release of a new ring! Everyone raved about the new, edgy LA Bones ring while enjoying their drinks.
See all of The Great Frog’s handmade rings here.
The Crystal Head Vodka Team